Malmö: Executive Assistant

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Publicerad: 2024-05-22 // Varaktighet: Heltid

We are looking for an Executive Assistant to join us, Sharkmob, in a fast-paced environment with an entrepreneurial vibe!
You will support the senior management team of Exoborne and report to the Executive Producer. You will work closely with the project management teamand studio to facilitate communication, organize meetings, and create documentation.
On the day-to-day you will assist the Executive Producer, Production Directors, and Product Management teams to facilitate operations. You will work with internal teams such as Office and Facilities, HR, Marketing, Communications, and IT to coordinate meetings and events.
Externally, you will communicate with our various partners, such as the publisher, partner team, and owners. You will organize, take part in, and support meetings and discussions at the highest level of the organization. You will also create and maintain various documentation for both internal and external use.
The successful candidate for this role will need to bring energy, attention to detail, and creative problem-solving. You will need a strong drive and determination to chase things up and get it done. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to move into the exciting and dynamic world of video games.
Job specifics
Assist the Executive Producer in their day-to-day activities
Aid communication within the management team
Creating and compiling project documentation
Host meetings, booking, and note-taking
Organizing Publisher and partner meetings (virtual and on-prem)
Organizing internal and external events & visits
Support Senior Director with strategic support

A driven and self-motivated personality
A good communicator with excellent written and spoken English
Demonstrate the highest level of discretion and integrity
Experience within a business organization
Efficient with MS Office suite
Highly organized and structured

Bonus skills
Chinese (Mandarin) or Swedish language skills
Experience in other functions within a business (HR, Administration, IT, etc)
Experience working within video games, media, or creative industries.
Project management experience

Who we areSharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, smart decisions, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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Andra jobb i Malmö som Direktionssekreterare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Malmö som Direktionssekreterare.

Koordinator till VD-stab

Läs mer Okt 21
Malmö Opera är musikdramatikens hjärta och röst i Skåne. Huset invigdes 1944 och är centralt placerat i Öresundsregionen, bara 20 minuter från Köpenhamn. Scenen är en av de största i Europa och den amfiteaterformade salongen rymmer 1500 besökare. Vi spelar klassisk, modern och nyskriven musikdramatik. Malmö Opera har drygt 275 tillsvidareanställda och 500–700 pjäsengagerade per spelår. Under ett spelår producerar vi drygt 300 föreställningar för stora scenen samt för barn-, ungdoms- och turnéverksamheterna.

Vi erbjuder dig anställning i en inspirerande miljö där vi gemensamt arbetar för att skapa optimala förutsättningar för att vår publik ska få ta del av musikteater i hela dess bredd. Vi tror att mångfald av kompetenser skapar de bästa förutsättningarna för Malmö Operas arbetsklimat, kreativitet och kvalitet.

Är du en kommunikativ och serviceinriktad person som trivs med många och olika kontaktytor? Har du förmåga att tänka strategiskt, god inkännande förmåga och integritet?

Malmö Opera söker driven medarbetare till VD-stab. Välkommen med din ansökan!
Vi söker nu en engagerad och framåtblickande koordinator till vårt ledningsstöd. Hos oss kommer du att arbeta direkt under Malmö Operas VD och ha nära kontakt med övrig ledning. I din roll kommer du att vara spindeln i nätet med ett mycket stort antal kontakter och en varierande vardag. Du kommer att vara med i olika forum men din främsta roll kommer vara som en direkt support till VD i alla områden. Uppdraget kommer ge dig en unik inblick i verksamheten inom Malmö Opera men även inom kultursektorn i Skåne och i Sverige. Utifrån din kompetens kan det bli aktuellt att du bedriver egna projekt och utvecklingsuppdrag på VD:s uppdrag. 

I dina arbetsuppgifter ingår bland annat:  

• Stödja VD och ledningsgrupp med administrativ support men också genom att trendspana. 
• Vara en självklar kontaktyta såväl externt som internt. 
• Koordinera med andra funktioner för att planera, implementera och följa upp fattade beslut rörande företagets utveckling. 
• Leda eller delta i projekt utifrån uppdrag.
• Administrera och hantera styrelse och vara styrelsens sekreterare. 

Då tjänsten ställer höga krav på ansvarsfullhet, noggrannhet och organisationsförmåga, tror vi att du som söker besitter dessa egenskaper. 

Vi förväntar oss att du:  

• har en relevant högskoleexamen och ett intresse för kultur och musik. 
• är lyhörd, analytisk och har ett sinne för det strategiska.  
• är en god kommunikatör som kan ta fram besluts- och diskussionsunderlag.  
• är positiv, kommunikativ och kan bidra till problemlösning. 
• trivs och vågar ta plats i olika forum. 
• behärskar svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. 

Relevant yrkeserfarenhet är meriterande men i den här rekryteringen fäster vi i första hand mycket stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper och hur du matchar uppdraget. 

Tjänsten avser heltid och är en tillsvidareanställning som inleds med sex månaders provanställning. Tillträde enligt överenskommelse.


Välkommen med din ansökan senast 31 oktober 2021!

Klicka på ansök-knappen nedan och bifoga CV och personligt brev samt besvara de kompletterande frågorna.
Observera att vi inte tar emot ansökningar per e-post.

Vi undanber oss alla erbjudande om annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp i samband med denna annons.

Ansök nu

Koordinator till VD-stab

Läs mer Okt 14
Malmö Opera är musikdramatikens hjärta och röst i Skåne. Huset invigdes 1944 och är centralt placerat i Öresundsregionen, bara 20 minuter från Köpenhamn. Scenen är en av de största i Europa och den amfiteaterformade salongen rymmer 1500 besökare. Vi spelar klassisk, modern och nyskriven musikdramatik. Malmö Opera har drygt 275 tillsvidareanställda och 500–700 pjäsengagerade per spelår. Under ett spelår producerar vi drygt 300 föreställningar för stora scenen samt för barn-, ungdoms- och turnéverksamheterna.

Vi erbjuder dig anställning i en inspirerande miljö där vi gemensamt arbetar för att skapa optimala förutsättningar för att vår publik ska få ta del av musikteater i hela dess bredd. Vi tror att mångfald av kompetenser skapar de bästa förutsättningarna för Malmö Operas arbetsklimat, kreativitet och kvalitet.

Är du en kommunikativ och serviceinriktad person som trivs med många och olika kontaktytor? Har du förmåga att tänka strategiskt, god inkännande förmåga och integritet?

Malmö Opera söker driven medarbetare till VD-stab. Välkommen med din ansökan!
Vi söker nu en engagerad och framåtblickande koordinator till vårt ledningsstöd. Hos oss kommer du att arbeta direkt under Malmö Operas VD och ha nära kontakt med övrig ledning. I din roll kommer du att vara spindeln i nätet med ett mycket stort antal kontakter och en varierande vardag. Du kommer att vara med i olika forum men din främsta roll kommer vara som en direkt support till VD i alla områden. Uppdraget kommer ge dig en unik inblick i verksamheten inom Malmö Opera men även inom kultursektorn i Skåne och i Sverige. Utifrån din kompetens kan det bli aktuellt att du bedriver egna projekt och utvecklingsuppdrag på VD:s uppdrag. 

I dina arbetsuppgifter ingår bland annat:  

• Stödja VD och ledningsgrupp med administrativ support men också genom att trendspana. 
• Vara en självklar kontaktyta såväl externt som internt. 
• Koordinera med andra funktioner för att planera, implementera och följa upp fattade beslut rörande företagets utveckling. 
• Leda eller delta i projekt utifrån uppdrag.
• Administrera och hantera styrelse och vara styrelsens sekreterare. 

Då tjänsten ställer höga krav på ansvarsfullhet, noggrannhet och organisationsförmåga, tror vi att du som söker besitter dessa egenskaper. 

Vi förväntar oss att du:  

• har en relevant högskoleexamen och ett intresse för kultur och musik. 
• är lyhörd, analytisk och har ett sinne för det strategiska.  
• är en god kommunikatör som kan ta fram besluts- och diskussionsunderlag.  
• är positiv, kommunikativ och kan bidra till problemlösning. 
• trivs och vågar ta plats i olika forum. 
• behärskar svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. 

Relevant yrkeserfarenhet är meriterande men i den här rekryteringen fäster vi i första hand mycket stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper och hur du matchar uppdraget. 

Tjänsten avser heltid och är en tillsvidareanställning som inleds med sex månaders provanställning. Tillträde enligt överenskommelse.


Välkommen med din ansökan senast 31 oktober 2021!

Klicka på ansök-knappen nedan och bifoga CV och personligt brev samt besvara de kompletterande frågorna.
Observera att vi inte tar emot ansökningar per e-post.

Vi undanber oss alla erbjudande om annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp i samband med denna annons.

Ansök nu

Ledigt jobb som kontorsansvarig assistent på Telair i Lund

Läs mer Okt 4
TELAIR International AB i Lund erbjuder ett brett utbud av last- och bagagehanteringssystem, främst för flygplan, för att underlätta lastningen av gods som inte packats i containrar. Det sträcker sig från det unika glidande mattan-konceptet till en förlängning på bälteslastare och förbättrar arbetsförhållandena för de personer som hanterar lasten och skyddar lastutrymmen, passagerarbagage och last från skador.

Nu söker Telair en kontorsansvarig assistent. Uppdraget är på heltid med start så snart som möjligt. Vår kund önskar börja med att hyra in dig som konsult från oss men om ömsesidigt tycke uppstår tänker de sig att de gärna vill anställa dig framöver.

Vad ingår i rollen?

I arbetet ingår att assistera dina kollegor med sedvanliga sekreteraruppgifter som exempelvis protokollskrivning, framtagning och sammanställning av styrelse- och rapportmaterial samt att planera och genomföra externa och interna möten och event. Även en del löpande ekonomi, fakturakontering och rapportframtagning kommer att ligga på dig.

I kontorsansvaret ingår ett övergripande funktionsansvar för kontoret. Det innebär att du är den som håller i alla de trådar ingen annan håller i. Du har bl.a. kontakten med fastighetsvärden, larmbolaget, städbolaget mm och du sköter inköp av kontorsmateriel och förbrukningsvaror. Du tar emot besökare, hanterar inkommande och utgående post och ser till att kontorsmaskinerna fungerar. Du är den som håller kontoret i ett snyggt, fungerande och trevligt skick och när något fallerar ja då är det till dig man kommer…

Vem söker vi för rollen?

För att trivas i denna roll tror vi att du är en person som älskar att serva och underlätta för andra och att du därför också gör det med ett leende. Du är positiv, mån om dina kollegor och sprider en god stämning på din arbetsplats. Du är inte rädd för att ta tag i uppdykande "problem" och du kan identifiera "brister" och komma med förbättringsförslag.

Vilken bakgrund behöver du?

Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av administrativt arbete, enklare bokföring och av att ta fram och sammanställa olika rapporter. Har du tidigare arbetat med någon typ av service och gillat det så tror vi det är ett plus. Du är duktig på att uttrycka dig både i tal och skrift på såväl svenska som engelska. Du måste också kunna arbeta obehindrat i Outlook, Word, Excel och PowerPoint.

Som person är du självgående med hög samarbetsförmåga och god känsla för service. Du är social, noggrann och arbetar på ett strukturerat sätt. Du är också en duktig kommunikatör med gott omdöme och hög integritet.


Ansök gärna snarast då vi arbetar med löpande urval och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas före ansökningstidens slut.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Malmö från Sharkmob AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Malmö från Sharkmob AB .

Senior Producer

Producent: kultur, media, film, scen, dataspel
Läs mer Sep 9
As our team continues to grow, we are thrilled to invite a curious and results-driven Senior Producer to join us in Malmö. In this dynamic role, you'll support the production team, ensuring the seamless execution of the project. Be a crucial part of our journey and help bring our latest project, Exoborne, to life!
Reporting to a Lead Producer, you'll work collaboratively with cross-functional teams across the studio, ensuring we have the best organizational structure, processes, and practices that allow them to produce high-quality work on time and within budget.
The ideal candidate understands the creative chaos of AAA game development and can create comprehensive goals for the teams to work towards.
Responsibilities Lead feature teams to deliver on their goals through problem-solving, motivation, and support.
Collaborate with Production leadership, Directors, and Leads to turn creative vision into actionable, scoped plans, maintaining a long-term view of planning while embracing the iterative nature of the creative development process.
Continuously seek opportunities to improve development effectiveness and quality of life.
Identify and solve complex project problems with minimal supervision.
Mentor less experienced Producers, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence.
Build and maintain a positive team culture and morale.
Stay updated on industry trends and best practices, integrating learnings into game development.
Track and report on development team progress, morale, and potential risks, proactively solving issues as they arise.
Requirements Demonstrable experience as a Senior Producer or 4+ years as a Producer within a large development team.
Experience in all stages of AAA/AA development from concept to release as a Producer. Post-launch experience with a Live Service is a plus.
Expert understanding of modern project management methodologies and how best to apply them. Experience in coaching and training individuals in agile/lean concepts and practices is a plus.
Excellent stakeholder management and communication skills.
Passionate about building a positive team culture and improving development efficiency.
Who we are
Sharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, smart decisions, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

Ansök nu


Producent: kultur, media, film, scen, dataspel
Läs mer Sep 9
As we continue to expand our team, we are excited to invite a passionate and organized Producer to join us in Malmö. This role involves supporting the production team and ensuring the smooth execution of the project. Join us and play a key part in bringing our latest project Exoborne to life!
Reporting to a Lead Producer, you'll work collaboratively with cross-functional teams across the studio, ensuring we have the best organizational structure, processes, and practices that allow them to produce high-quality work on time and within budget.
The ideal candidate understands the creative chaos of AAA game development and can create comprehensive goals for the teams to work towards.
Responsibilities Lead feature teams to deliver on their goals through problem-solving, motivation, and support.
Collaborate with Production leadership, Directors, and Leads to turn creative vision into actionable, scoped plans, maintaining a long-term view of planning while embracing the iterative nature of the creative development process.
Continuously seek opportunities to improve development effectiveness and quality of life.
Identify and solve complex project problems with some support from senior colleagues.
Mentor less experienced Producers, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence.
Build and maintain a positive team culture and morale.
Stay updated on industry trends and best practices, integrating learnings into game development.
Track and report on development team progress, morale, and potential risks, proactively solving issues as they arise.
Requirements Demonstrable experience as a Producer or 4+ years as an Associate Producer.
Experience in all stages of game development from concept to release in a Production role. Post-launch experience with a Live Service game is a plus.
Deep understanding of modern project management methodologies and how best to apply them. Experience in coaching and training individuals in agile/lean concepts and practices is a plus.
Excellent stakeholder management and communication skills.
Passionate about building a positive team culture and improving development efficiency.
Who we are
Sharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, smart decisions, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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Manager User Insights

Läs mer Sep 5
As the Manager for User Insights, you will centralize the understanding of our gaming community, ensuring that our products and strategies align with user needs, sentiments, and behaviours. Acting as the bridge between user research, in-game analytics, market trends, and company/product strategy, this position has a critical impact on product development, marketing, and competitive positioning.
Central to the Manager's mission is building, scaling, and refining our current user research and data teams while also exploring the future potential of a market research team. Recognizing each unit's unique strengths and challenges, the Manager will be pivotal in ensuring these teams are well-resourced, strategically aligned, and operate at the forefront of industry best practices.
One of the Manager's key challenges will be ensuring the seamless integration of user insights into our development teams' daily operations. The Manager will ensure insights are translated into actionable development directives by championing close collaboration, fostering open communication channels, and facilitating regular feedback loops.

ResponsibilitiesLeadership & Strategy
Lead, mentor, and grow the User Research and Data teams.
Plan for the potential integration and leadership of a future Market Research team.
Set strategic goals for the Insights department in alignment with company and project objectives.
Champion a data-informed culture, ensuring insights and research are at the forefront of decision-making processes.

User Research
Oversee user research initiatives, from usability studies to in-depth interviews, ensuring actionable and relevant insights.
Promote the integration of user feedback into product development and design processes.
Advocate for the user, ensuring their needs and behaviors are well understood and addressed.

Data Analysis & Management
Guide the Data team in extracting, analyzing, and presenting data from various sources.
Ensure the integration of quantitative data with qualitative findings for a holistic understanding of user behaviour and preferences.
Oversee the development and maintenance of data infrastructures, ensuring robustness, scalability, and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Data Maturity & Integration
Drive the growth of data maturity, championing the consistent and meaningful use of data in all facets of our operations.
Develop and oversee comprehensive training and education initiatives to empower teams with data literacy and analytical capabilities.
Engage with stakeholders at all levels to garner buy-in, ensuring that insights are fully integrated into our game development processes and strategies.

Collaboration & Communication
Act as the primary liaison between the Insights department and other teams, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.
Present insights and findings to stakeholders, ranging from developers to senior management.
Foster cross-functional relationships to facilitate the effective implementation of recommendations from research and data analytics.

Continuous Improvement
Stay updated with the latest methodologies, tools, and trends in user research and data analytics.
Drive innovation in research methods and data interpretation.
Establish and maintain best practices and standards for the Insights department.
Requirements Bachelor’s degree in a related field (e.g., psychology, sociology, statistics, data science, market research). Advanced degree preferred.
5+ years of experience in user research, data analysis, or a related field, with at least 2 years in a managerial role.
Strong leadership and people management skills.
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Proficiency in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
Experience with data analysis tools (e.g., , Python, R) and research tools (e.g., usability testing software, survey platforms).
Ability to synthesize complex data into clear, actionable insights.
Strong organizational and project management skills.
Who we are
Sharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, smart decisions, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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User Researcher

Läs mer Sep 5
Join our crew as a User Researcher at Sharkmob!
At Sharkmob, we are dedicated to creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences that resonate with players worldwide. Our User Research (UR) team is essential in understanding player needs, amplifying their voices, and ensuring our games not only meet but exceed their expectations. We're looking for a User Researcher who is passionate about games to help propel our research efforts forward!

Key ResponsibilitiesUser Research Support: Assist in designing and conducting user research studies, including playtests, interviews, and surveys.
Help moderate research sessions to ensure smooth operation and accurate data collection.
Work with game designers and developers to plan research studies, ensuring findings are effectively communicated.
Data Collection, Analysis & Reporting: Assist in analyzing research data using relevant tools and software.
Collect and organize both qualitative and quantitative data.
Contribute to research reports and presentations.
Technical Lab Support: Handlescheduling and logistics for the lab and research sessions.
Oversee and maintain our user research lab, ensuring all equipment—PCs, consoles, recording devices, and eye-tracking tools—is ready and operational.
Optimize lab setup to enhance data collection and analysis.
Troubleshoot technical issues during sessions to minimize disruptions.
Participant Recruitment: Manage the recruitment process, securing suitable participants for playtests, usability studies, and other research initiatives.
Maintain and refine recruitment channels to ensure a healthy flow of participants.
Manage the distribution of participant incentives.

Who You Are: You understand research and have knowledge of various methodologies and how they could be applied to games.
You have user-related research work experience or a degree in a relevant field, such as Psychology, Anthropology, Interaction Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, Behavioral Sciences, etc.
You ideally have some previous experience of running usability tests.
You are technically proficient and have experience setting up and maintaining hardware/software systems, particularly in gaming or research environments.
You have experience in data collection, entry, and analysis, with a desire to deepen your knowledge further.
You have a passion for gaming and understanding player behaviors and preferences.
Nice to Have: You have worked with games before and/or been involved in the gaming community.
You have some previous experience of production work.
You are familiar with research software and tools.

Who we areSharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership,creating great games, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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Outsourcing Supervisor - Character Art

3D artist/3D-grafiker
Läs mer Aug 27
With the upcoming release of Exoborne, we are looking to strengthen our Art Outsourcing team with an Outsourcing Supervisor focusing on Character Art. Your main responsibility will be to ensure high technical and aesthetic quality of the assets produced by our outsourcing partners.
This role provides a great opportunity to collaborate with both internal and external art teams and make a big impact on our upcoming AAA-game, using your artistic as well as communication skills. As an Outsourcing Supervisor, you will be essential to the realization of the project and improving how we work with our art outsourcing partners.
Key elements of the role Reviewing assets submitted by outsourcing partners according to project needs and requirements
Managing the backlog of assets and preparing briefs according to project needs while ensuring assets align sufficiently with technical requirements, target quality and direction
Drive continuous improvement initiatives for all collaborations and workflows as a part of the Art Outsourcing team
Requirements Experience as a Character Artist, preferably with realistic art styles
Self-reliant and structured/organized
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Good sense of art quality
Able to work methodically with tools such as Jira and Confluence
Bonus points Previous experience as a Lead, Producer or Supervisor
Experience giving feedback on outsourced art for games
Experience managing outsourcing pipelines and collaborating with external partners

You don't need to be a gamer to join us, but we consider it a bonus (and hopefully, you do too!).
Who we areSharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, smart decisions, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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Lead User Research

Läs mer Jul 26
Sharkmob is an innovative AAA video game company dedicated to creating engaging multiplayer experiences. Our research lab focuses on understanding what drives players and enhances their enjoyment. We collect insights using traditional research methods, whether through usability testing or playtests, to guide our developers in making data-driven decisions. Our Data, User Research, and Community teams work closely to interpret player behaviors and conduct extended research in collaboration with local universities.
As a Lead User Researcher, you will lead and develop your team. You will alsoalign user research activities across multiple projects, driving player-centric game development.
Key Responsibilities Actively share knowledge and maintain key stakeholder relationships.
Develop, promote, and ensure good user research practices.
Design studies using experimental design and research methodology.
Ensure User Researchers have the necessary tools and resources.
Execute tests, analyses, reports, and presentations.
Guide game teams in planning user research strategies for the lifecycle of their games.
Promote collaboration between Data, UX, Community, and Marketing teams.
Provide consultative support and guidance to senior stakeholders.
Recruit, lead, and develop User Researchers at all levels.
Support development teams in taking a user-centered, evidence-based approach to research.

Being a Lead at SharkmobAs a Lead, we expect you to support team members by providing the resources, leadership, and tools they need to be successful.You facilitate collaboration, teamwork, and champion your team's achievements and successes. By embodying these principles, you as a leader can help develop a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement that benefits not just those you lead but also those around you, as well as Sharkmob as a studio.
We expect you to lead by example - to inspire and motivate others. You champion the studio and act as a first point of contact for your direct reports. You stand behind your team, take decisions and act in accordance with the values of Sharkmob.
Your Experience & Requirements 10+ years of experience in user research or usability testing.
Bachelor's degree or higher in experimental/social/cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, or equivalent industry experience.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Extensive experience with user interviews, surveys, moderating research sessions, and usability tests.
Passion for video games is beneficial, and experience in game development or the entertainment industry is desirable.
Strong analytical skills with a background or coursework in descriptive and inferential statistics.

Who we areSharkmob was founded in 2017 and has offices in Malmö, Sweden, and London, UK. The studio develops AAA-quality games for PC and console, using the Unreal Engine to power its ambitions of taking multiplayer games to new heights.
Currently, we are working on two major projects: Exoborne – a Sharkmob original game created in Malmö, is a tactical, open-world extraction shooter set in a United States torn apart by apocalyptic forces of nature. The second project, developed in London, is another Sharkmob original IP yet to be announced. Our first game, Bloodhunt - a battle royale set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe, was released on 27 April 2022.
At Sharkmob, we are committed to building an inclusive team that represents diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skillsets – because we believe that helps us create great games. We welcome all candidates who are aligned with our core values of shared ownership, creating great games, and, last but not least – having fun! We hope you want to join us on our adventure and become a part of our crew. You can find more great perks of being a crew member. If you want to know more about Sharkmob and our projects, visit our homepage.

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